Fichet Safe Opening Service
Fichet / Fichet Bauche Safes
We open all models of all models of Fichet / Fichet Bauche Safes. Lockouts on these types of Safes can be caused by a lack of maintenance, lost keys, forgotten and or unknown combinations, etc.
We use cutting edge safe openeing tools including Fichet safe picks for both New and old models of Fichet and Fichet Bauche safe locks such as the Old Monopole locks used on Fichet Bauche and Picks for the newer Fichet M2 and M3 in current production.
When a Fichet/ Fichet Bauche safe left the factory it would have had any type of safe lock, Key Lock, Electronic Lock or a mechanical combination lock. Therefore, its not uncommon for a Fichet / Fichet Bauche safe to have had a lock changed at some point during its life and so they could be found with other brands of safe locks fitted.
Fichet & Fichet Bauche safes we provide services for
- Fichet 170 DF
- Fichet 66DF
- Fichet Cobra
- Fichet Arden
- Fichet Valois
- Fichet A A BAGC
- Fichet GC Bankers
- Fichet Bar
- Fichet Bastille
- Fichet Cash Transfer Safe
- Fichet Carat, Fichet Carena
- Fichet Chatel, Fichet Complice
- Fichet Danton, Fichet DFX
- Fichet Diva, Fichet Egide
- Fichet Enterprise
- Fichet Galion
- Fichet Gold
- Fichet GVX
- Fichet Hestia
- Fichet JN
- Fichet Millium
- Fichet Pyramis
- Fichet Python
- Fichet Richelieu
- Fichet Rubis
- Fichet Silver
- Fichet Weekend
- Fichet Hoilday
- Fichet Wallsafe
- Fichet AF
- Fichet Aurora
- Fichet Celsia
- Fichet Compact
- Fichet Enigma
- Fichet Espace
- Fichet Kelvia
- Fichet Ordina
- Fichet Pyrox
- Fichet 28GC60
- Fichet 42BB10
- Fichet Citadem
- FichetStrongroom
- Fichet Vault
- Fichet D18D
- Fichet D18GC
- Fichet D9D
- Fichet GVX
- Fichet Optura
- FichetS15D
- Fichet SF15D
Fichet safes - click to enlarge photos
This had a Failed Fichet Win X electronic safe lock that had failed on a Fichet Carena Safe locked out in London, Essex, Hertfordshire.We opened this safe and fitted a new electronic safe lock
Fichet Strongroom Opening and Removal services in London, Essex, Hetfordshire, Kent and the UK and Europe
Fichet High Security Safe with Lost Keys that we opened. We cover London Essex Hertfordshire UK and Europe if required

Fichet Carina Grade 3 safe with lost keys picked open in London

Fichet Python safe with a very thick door with lost safe keys that caused a lockout, that we picked open in Essex
Safe Enquiry
Fichet safe, vault and strongroom openings:
Fichet Carena Digital Safe Lock
Fichet Carena safe with unknown combination. We opened the fichet digital safe lock and replaced this was in the Kightsbridge, London area
Fichet safe lost key
I got asked to open this safe for another Safe Engineer, this was located in their warehouse and it had a broken 7 number Fichet combination lock and a high security Fichet key operated lock. We picked open the Fichet key lock with lost keys and as the combination had been attempted by force, it…
Fichet Bauche Safe Lock Pick
One of the Picks that we have is for the Fichet Bauche Monopole safe lock, There are not a lot of Safe Engineers / Safe Crackers out there that can pick these locks open, At Key Elements we have the pick and the skill to use it to open these older Fichet Bauche Monopole safe…
Locked out of a Fichet Safe
This Fichet safe had two high security safe locks one key lock and one combination, the combination on this safe had been lost, we opened the Fichet combination lock and set a new combination inside the lock.