A Locked Chatwood Milner Vault

Jason Jones inside opened chatwood milner vault

Got a call to open another locked Chatwood Milner strongroom. It also had the much smaller deposit / escape hatch door (as seen in the photo) that we also opened. We provide a safe and vault opening and lock and combination change and recovery service though out the UK – no matter the size, we…

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Locked out on a Milners Strongroom

Milners strongroom opened by Jason Jones, Key Elements

Got a call to open this old Milners high security strongroom Vault Door, It had been locked for about ten years as far as the customer was aware. They told me at some point during this time they had various safe crackers and experts out to look at opening it but none had wanted to…

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Paris France cant open my safe

Old milners safe discovered in Paris opened by Jason Jones, Key Elements

I got a call from a customer in Paris France who was renovating a Mansion and had discoverd an old Milners safe and asked if it would be possible for me to travel to Paris to open it ? I am based in Colchester in Essex UK and every now and then i travel to…

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